The Coalition “Free Russian Whales” and the public were unfairly ignored in a news report on Channel One

A vessel rented by a coalition arrived at Srednyaya Bay to monitor the transportation of the remaining 50 beluga whales
The loading of belugas goes very slowly

The Coalition “Free Russian Whales” and the public were unfairly ignored in a news report on Channel One

November 5, 2019

The Coalition “Free Russian Whales” and the public were unfairly ignored in a news report on Channel One!! They noted – only Rosprirodnadzor, which discovered bad water pollution.

Dead structure of Rosprirodnadzor, they did nothing to save animals! They even managed to lose the court hearing! They sent only meaningless responses to all requests!!!!

Thanks to the Coalition and the public the two courts were won, by decision of these courts the captors lost any rights to animals at all. The FSB Border Guard Board for Primorsky Krai was also not mentioned in the news. Namely, their department won the trial, where the captors were found guilty of violation of fishing rules. How many efforts, nerves and sleepless nights had to be overcome!

And even nowadays, only thanks to citizens it became possible to rent a vessel to monitor the transportation of animals. VNIRO, TINRO and other government agencies did not bother to ensure the right of the public to be on the vessel and to observe the process of shipment and release of animals. We, the public, were driven away to the hill and offered to solve the issues of observation at our own expense.

Meanwhile, our observers reported that today 6 beluga whales were loaded on the ship “Professor Kaganovsky” and the loading was suspended. VNIRO informs that the loading operation was postponed due to increased wind and will be continued after appropriate adjustments are made.

A boat that we rented with your help has arrived to the bay, friends. Representatives of the coalition and Greenpeace Russia are already on board.

We are seriously concerned about such a slow loading process, given the fact that weather conditions are getting worse day by day.

?Репост со страницы одного из членов коалиции в Инстаграм @center_orcinus с совершенно справедливым мнением!⠀?​ Коалицию "Свободу косаткам и белухам" и общественность несправедливо проигнорировали в видеорепортаже на первом канале!!! И отметили – только Росприроднадзор, который обнаружил загрязнение воды.⠀?​ Бездействующая структура Росприроднадзор, они вообще ничего не делали для спасения животных!!! Суд и тот умудрились проиграть!!! Одни отписки слали!!!⠀? Именно благодаря Коалиции и неравнодушным гражданам были выиграны два судебных процесса, в силу которых отловщики потеряли вообще какие-либо права на животных. Пограничное управление ФСБ по Приморскому краю, также не упомянули в репортаже. А именно сотрудники управления​ выиграли судебной процесс, где отловщиков признали виновными в нарушении правил рыболовства. Сколько сил, нервов и бессонных ночей пришлось преодолеть!!!⠀?​ И даже в настоящее время, только благодаря гражданам удалось арендовать судно для наблюдением за транспортировкой животных. ВНИРО, ТИНРО и другие государственные структуры не потрудились обеспечить право общественности быть на судне, и наблюдать за процессом отгрузки и выпуска животных. Нас, общественность, отогнали подальше на бугор и предложили самим, за свой счёт, решать вопросы организации наблюдения.⠀…………………………………..? А тем временем, наши наблюдатели сообщили, что сегодня на судно «Профессор Кагановский» погрузили 6 белух и погрузка была приостановлена. ВНИРО информируют, что операция по погрузке была приостановлена из-за усилившегося ветра и будет продолжена после внесения соответствующих корректировок.⠀? В бухту прибыл катер, который мы арендовали с вашей помощью, друзья. Представители коалиции и Гринпис Россия уже находятся на борту ??⠀❗️Мы всерьез обеспокоены тем, что погрузка продвигается медленно, учитывая тот факт, что погодные условия ухудшаются с каждым днем.⠀#freerussianwhales #свободубелухам #китоваятюрьма #китоваятюрьмавсе?Repost from the Instagram page of one of the members of the coalition @center_orcinus with a completely fair opinion!⠀? The Coalition “Free Russian Whales” and the public were unfairly ignored in a news report on Channel One !! They noted – only Rosprirodnadzor, which discovered bad water pollution.⠀? Dead structure of Rosprirodnadzor, they did nothing to save animals! They even managed to lose the court hearing! They sent only meaningless responses to all requests!!!!⠀Thanks to the Coalition and the public the two courts were won, by decision of these courts the captors lost any rights to animals at all. The FSB Border Guard Board for Primorsky Krai was also not mentioned in the news. Namely, their department won the trial, where the captors were found guilty of violation of fishing rules. How many efforts, nerves and sleepless nights had to be overcome!⠀? And even nowadays, only thanks to citizens it became possible to rent a vessel to monitor the transportation of animals. VNIRO, TINRO and other government agencies did not bother to ensure the right of the public to be on the vessel and to observe the process of shipment and release of animals. We, the public, were driven away to the hill and offered to solve the issues of observation at our own expense.⠀…………………………………..Meanwhile, our observers reported that today 6 beluga whales were loaded on the ship “Professor Kaganovsky” and the loading was suspended. VNIRO informs that the loading operation was postponed due to increased wind and will be continued after appropriate adjustments are made.⠀? A boat that we rented with your help has arrived to the bay, friends. Representatives of the coalition and Greenpeace Russia are already on board ??⠀❗We are seriously concerned about such a slow loading process, given the fact that weather conditions are getting worse day by day.⠀#freerussianwhales #whalejail #endofwhalejail

Опубликовано Свободу Косаткам и Белухам – Free Russian Whales Вторник, 5 ноября 2019 г.