Whale Jail update – March 1st

Leonardo DiCaprio called the capture of orcas and belugas inhumane
Whale Jail guards attacked journalists and destroyed a drone

Whale Jail update – March 1st

Many news reports are saying that it was ordered by Russian Government to release the whales from the Whale jail, but there was no official order to do so yet…Only words and no concrete action…

▪ The Ministry of Natural Resources declares the need to release animals, but at the same time the captors declare that they are preparing animals to be sold in the future 

▪The General Prosecutor’s Office announced today that the animals are kept in normal conditions … At the same time, an orca, presumably the male Kirill, who was in a critical condition during the inspection mid-January, had already disappeared from the whale jail. Environmentalists and scientists suggest that it was Kirill who disappeared and he could only escape to heaven…not the open sea…

This theater of the absurd has been going on for several months. All that the supervisory authorities say is “we are investigating,” “investigative actions are under way,” and so on. While these same investigative actions are taking place 4 animals have already disappeared – 1 orca and 3 belugas. The captors claim that the animals escaped because they understand that no one can prove anything – there are no facts, so there is no crime.

We are shocked by the action of government agencies, because our organizations wrote demands to all state structures about the need for public control after 3 belugas disappeared in November. The presidential instruction of February 20th clearly states that the fate of the animals must be decided with the participation of public organizations! BUT NOTHING HAS CHANGED!

We hear loud statements by the authorities, but our proposals, which really need to be immediately implemented to save the lives of the remaining animals, are simply ignored!

Authorities open one case, then second, then fifth, they speak of the need for release, but so far no concrete action have been made for the establishment public control and access to the facility to analyze the behavior and physical condition of animals, which is necessary for the development of a rehabilitation plan and the subsequent successful release.

All we see are loud words, and excuses “we are investigating”

We demand to establish 24/7 public control and give experts an access to the facility to start the preparation work for rehabilitation of animals!

The whole world is watching this horrible situation, but even with all this attention, animals are disappearing from the whale jail and this is the result of the inaction of the authorities and ignoring the proposals of the public!